Investment. Value. Development.

Our company

Floth Immobilien GmbH has been active in the Austrian real estate market since its foundation in 2020. As a real estate broker and developer, we offer our clients and investors both in-depth business, legal and technical expertise, as well as a broad international network of experts from across the real estate and construction industries. The marketing of properties, assistance with real estate transactions and development of new and existing properties are part of the core business of Floth Immobilien GmbH.

Our company’s business activities are not limited to the Austrian market — thanks to our international network, we handle real estate projects all over the world. Together with our partners, Floth Immobilien GmbH stands for growth, dynamism, sustainability and quality.

Bild: Die Geschichte von Floth Immobilien Weltkarte

Our history

Floth Immobilien GmbH was founded by Oscar Floth in 2020 and has been successfully supporting its clients as an investment and real estate developer ever since. After his construction engineering and construction management studies at the Higher Technical Education Institute, the completion of his real estate management degree, as well as several years of experience in the property development sector, the native-Viennese founder and company director Oscar Floth decided to launch his own business as a real estate services provider. In the summer of 2020, Oscar Floth founded Floth Immobilien GmbH with the long-term goal of creating added value in the industry through quality and professionalism as well as increased focus on sustainability and dynamism. This goal is to be achieved in cooperation with business partners and investors from across the real estate industry.


Wertsteigerung von Immobilien Investments bei Floth

Value appreciation

Dekoratives Bild für die Dynamische Wertentwicklung - eine Rakete


Ein Blatt als Symbol für die Nachhaltigkeit von Immobilieninvestments bei Floth


Ein Siegel als Symbol für die Qualität unserer Leistungen


Business areas


As an investment broker and consultant, Floth Immobilien GmbH acts a platform for international real estate offers, investors and distribution partners. We support the acquisition and sale of real estate and assist property transactions in a professional and dynamic manner by way of our industry expertise and broad network. Our number one priority is value enhancement for our business partners, clients and investors.

Balken als Symbol für Investments mit Floth Immobilien
Icon für Projekte, sieht aus wie Büro-Immobilien


As a property developer, Floth Immobilien GmbH offers investors and clients the organisational and commercial handling of construction and existing projects as well as the commercialisation of properties. Together with our partners — including architects, construction firms and other experts in the construction and property development sector — we guarantee professional, high-quality, timely and cost-efficient project handling. And with our partners in the asset management sector, Floth Immobilien GmbH is able to offer continued support as well as management of the developed properties.



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